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How I received Jesus Christ (chapter 2)

After the prayer, I searched for myself and couldn’t identify myself. I wanted to handle myself and I couldn’t because I was extremely touched. Later, after the service, while I was busy going to my class. A lady appeared from nowhere, and I suppose God assigned her for a positive reason. She pleaded, "Why are you crying?" I responded, "I don’t  literally perceive." She responded, "Come, let me take you to the pastor so that he can pray for you."
I was so overly emotional. We went to the spot where the pastor was. And when we got there, we discovered a very long queue of learners standing by to be prayed for. I could sense that everyone was staring at me. I was very humble and ready to receive Christ. They did not allow me to stand on the line. The guy in front said I should go first because he saw how I was. 
The pastor called me and prayed for me and a certain spirit embodied. Even though I don’t remember some of the things, I remember falling down and when I waved up, I was perfectly free. The pastor said that I should come to his church on Sunday. I acknowledged it, before I went back to my class. I saw my class teacher and she looked so concerned about me. 
She asked, "you look troubled, what happened to you? " I looked at her with a smiling face and replied, "I am, but after school I want to show up at your prayer session." I remained quiet and my classmates and friends didn’t ask if I was okay or not, and I wasn’t even concerned. I was just waiting for the school bell to ring so that I could have a prayer session with my class teacher. 
I felt a change. I am no longer the person I used to be. The bell rang. It was after school and I was so excited because all I wanted was a prayer. I ran to that teacher and the teacher hugged me and said, "You are so special among the pupils. It’s like that pastor came only for you, and you look so different. " I was so touched and emotional because she also noticed a change and I replied, "Indeed, he came specifically to me. God saved my life." And after our short prayer, I went home, and I was so excited about explaining to my family how God had touched me.
 When I arrived at home, I told my grandma everything. And she asked me the location of that pastor’s church and I froze because I absolutely forgot. I started to think deeply and I couldn’t recall the address he gave me but I only recalled his name. We asked our neighbors if they knew the place of that pastor’s church, and nobody knew. We asked a lot of people, and nobody knew. 
One lady, who lives a bit distant from my place, suggested that we go to her church. She thought that maybe it could be the same pastor. We were then baffling because we preferred to go to that pastor’s church. On Sunday, my sister and grandma went to the church where that lady recommended we go. The church members were so welcoming, caring and loving. The pastor was so powerful and packed with people. 
And after church, my grandma asked, "what do you think of this church? Is it the pastor we searched for? " I replied, "No, it  is not him and we won't stop searching for him." My grandmother said, "Don’t worry, we will try another church. Maybe next time we’ll find him. " I was happy because my grandmother really wanted me to find him.


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