The biggest accomplishment isn’t a degree, living in a mansion house, living a luxurious lifestyle. No, the greatest achievement in existence is to detect and fulfill your purpose in life. All other achievements are just blessings. Life is too short to be moving around and looking for people’s endorsement, but rather to identify God’s endorsement.God isn’t going to reward us for how we achieved that degree or mansion, but for how we lived and fulfilled our purpose. We came into this world to achieve one thing: God’s purpose. Do you even know yourself, or what you are capable of? We need money, we work super hard to find it and that’s not bad, but what’s bad is not finding your mission or assignment. Some may ask, "how do I find my purpose?" You can find your purpose by having a relationship with your creator (God), knowing that he is the best. That’s when you’ll understand his language. God appreciates it when we ask him what to do or what our purpose is, because it shows that we are committed to getting to know him better.
The enemy you know is less persuasive than the enemy you don’t know. In most cases, God displays himself to us in dreams or in visions. So whenever God discloses it to you. He is warning you to take a step and to act upon what he revealed. One thing you should perceive is that your enemy is not your neighbor, sister, colleagues, etc. We only have one enemy, which is the devil. Satan is very manipulative and if you aren’t prayerful enough, you’ll end up falling in to his traps. The day you’ll understand, you’ll avoid despising them.